Art and Renders in The Quack Asylum


Please go follow @Infinity345225 he is incredibly underrated.

Character by Infinity345225

No clay, No legs sorry

Solar Eclipse momento

My first ever claymation. I used classic the face's jumpscare animation as a reference.

Fanart for @vua lmao

new thumbnail

To Celebrate Easter, Why not make this render in the mean time? so Anyway

I hoped Everyone, Friends, and Families, etc. Enjoyed a Good Easter this Year!

Happy easter!

almost forgot to make this post...

(yes, I was lazy when I made this render-)

The Family Photo of Monochrome Mice's

I went on a walk last night, so I took these pictures.

"When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirits walks in darkness" -Alexis de Tocqueville